Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bakerzin's Brownie & Mousse

Bakerzin's Brownie & Mousse
Straight after school today I headed off to bakerzin for one of their chocolate cakes. They had a huge range, no less than 5 I think, and I spent quite a pleasant moment gazing at them before deciding to buy this. The Bakerzin Brownie & Mousse. I chose this because of its very attractive mirror glaze and also the 'chef's recommendation' placed beside the cake.

Bakerzin's Brownie & Mousse
The construct of the Brownie & Mousse appears quite simple, with only 2 main layers - the brownie below, and the mousse on top. Covering the cake is the mirror glaze, sprinked with some golden brown specks. These specks aren't nuts, and have the texture of miniature rice crispies but not so much flavour on their own. Does anyone know what they are? Nonetheless, I think they make the cake really attractive (well before I removed the acetate wrap at least).

Bakerzin's Brownie & Mousse

And so *ohm nom nom*, I sunk my teeth into the cake and *phwa*! The mouuse was perfect. Flawless, like the most beautiful woman on earth. Light and smooth, enriched with the pure goodness of proper chocolate. Even the mirror glaze was excellent, silky with a chocolate intensity that was matching of its dark colouration.

Then *ohm chom chom* my teeth reached the brownie layer which was generously embedded with chopped walnuts. The brownie itself too was very good, also flawless, like the most handsome man on earth. It had a unique caramel note to it that will stay in my memory for a long time =)

Bakerzin's Brownie and Mousse

So will this cake get a full shiokness score? When the most beautiful man on earth marries the most beautiful woman... it seems we don't neccessarily get the the most loving couple on earth. Turns out that in this cake, the brownie and mousse are are nice toghether, but unfortunately they are not the most perfect match made in heaven.

Bakerzin's Brownie & Mousse

Shiokness Verdict: 7/10

This cake costs $6.95 after GST, the equivalent of two and a half canteen meals from school. Will you skip 2.5 meals at school in exchange for the Brownie & Mousse?

Vivocity #01-207
Tel: 64558885


  1. bakerzin sells decent cakes. u shd try deste sometime!

  2. the cake look so delicious


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